Tag Archives: 5 Ideas

5 ideas for English [Scanned]

5 ideas for English.pptx
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I’ve been grappling for a while on the best way to bring Web 2.0 tools and similar services to other subject areas.  I’ve tried optional training sessions which have failed as well as one on one demonstrations which have had slightly better effect.  To take into account also my growing collection of subject resources on my delicious account (http://www.delicious.com/briansharland and http://www.delicious.com/briansharland/bundle:Subjects ) I have come up with what I hope will be a better way of providing professional development in ICT tools to other members of staff.

I’ve taken as inspiration Tom Barretts ‘Interesting ways’ series as well as RM Byrne’s ‘Free Technology for Teachers’ blog as a structure for presenting 5 ideas for a subject area.  Whereas Tom takes a single methodology such as blogging or iPods and encourages development of ideas along that line I am taking a subject area and trying to find tools and services which could support that academic area.

These have been written to fit with my own school although they are free to use by others in a non-commercial setting.

To start off I have written one on English.  The next step will be to sit down with our school’s English department and use the time to work through these as a professional development session.

More subject areas will hopefully follow and I will also produce sequels to the English presentation in the future.

Any ideas or thoughts greatly appreciated.